Follow Pixelated Starfish
Pixelated Starfish
Pixelated Starfish
I made a password manager, and some esolangs. Now I'm trying out Godot. Enjoy!
Dodge the Creeps
My first Godot project, to prove I can actually use Godot...
Pixelated Starfish
MacroBeep v 1.4.2
Pixelated Starfish
Pixelated Starfish
MacroBeep Interpreter v1.2.1
This interpreter is written in Java and requires a java runtime environment.
Pixelated Starfish
Pixelated Starfish
Bedtime Interpreter
Pixelated Starfish
Nondescript Interpreter
Pixelated Starfish
Starstuff and Astridec Interpreter
Pixelated Starfish
Wheel Interpreter
Pixelated Starfish
Broken Calculator Interpreter (Java)
Pixelated Starfish
Heck Interpreter
Pixelated Starfish
Something Interpreter
"Oops! Something went wrong!" the programming language.
Pixelated Starfish
Blood32 Interpreter
An Interpreter for the programming language Blood32 in java
Pixelated Starfish
Pixelated Starfish
A game about crushing crushers!
Pixelated Starfish
Its snake, control with WASD. Made in Java with Processsing3
Pixelated Starfish
Keybasket v1.5.4
A simple, offline, alternative to the password manager. Automatic, customized. No word juggling or mental gymnastics.
Pixelated Starfish